Bolivia’s Travel ranking

Attractions: ★★★★

The highlights without a doubt are more natural than man-made. These include Salar de Uyuni, and the high Andes, but just these two are worth a visit in a life time. Add to these, the colonial cities of Sucre, Potosi, and the highest capital city above sea level La Paz, and the birth place of Inca civilization at lake Titicaca: Isla del Sol.

Safety: ★★★★

It is generally very safe for travelers in the main touristic spots. There is some drug and petty crime. Civil unrest, however is a real issue especially in the capital La Paz. The capital itself has some sketchy neighborhoods that must be avoided. Likely any visitor will be staying in the city center which is walkable.

Value for Money: ★★★★★

It is a great place for a budget traveler, it is maybe the cheapest country in south America. Transport, food accommodation are very affordable. Trips to visit high Andes and Salar De Uyuni cost $100-200 for 3-4 days, all inclusive. Hotel rooms go at 100-200B ( $15-30) for a double room. A 4h bus ride at 40 B ($6). A meal can be had for as little as 20B (3$).

Friendliness: ★★★★★

The locals may seem disinterested but are actually really warm people. It is a poor country with a large inequality that can be felt everywhere. However the general mode is upbeat, and most Bolivians are welcoming and willing to help and share the culture and offer advice on where to go.

Logistics: ★★★

A lack of spoken English makes it hard to travel around, so knowing some basic Spanish phrases goes a long way. It is easy to enter and leave the country. Corruption maybe rampant but not targeted at travelers. The logistics of traveling and reservations is acceptable.

Transport: ★★★★

It does not offer world class roads and facilities, but it is still possible to travel the country by bus at affordable price and decent quality. The scenery along the roads makes up for it big time though. The country is compact and can be covered in one week.