Bolivia’s Mini Travel Guide


The main issue is altitude sickness. Anyone arriving from sea level to La Paz or Altiplano (high Andes) will have a headache for a day or two. Locals will prescribe Coca tea. It wasn’t really effective but it helps. What really helps is getting accustomed to it after 2-3 days, then one can hardly notice.


It varies by regions. High in the Andes (Altiplano), it is very cold especially at night. Generally wet in the summer (November to April) and dry during the winter (May-October). Lower altitude areas such as Potosi, Sucre, or Cochabamba have mild weather. General rule when visiting, pack clothes for both summer and winter!


ATMs are available in the main cities, where credit cards are also accepted. Street exchange is possible. Having US dollars maybe better to get a good exchange rate.


Civil unrest is common. Some petty crime. However, it is still a safe country for both men and women. A lots of solo travelers around.


Many travelers are keen on trying hard drugs but the country has strict laws against drug use.


Spanish is the local dominant language along other indigenous languages. Knowing some Spanish phrases helps a lot. Plenty of Wifi and internet everywhere.