Guanajuato, a hidden gem in Mexico

Guanajuato is one of the best historical cities in the Americas, it is a hidden gem that not many tourists know a bout. Its architecture, churches, squares, and allies are very charming making it feel more like an old European city. It has a beautiful colonial city center where the streets and building are painted in exquisite colors. From the hills surrounding the city, one can enjoy an awesome panoramic views of the colored buildings.

I was pleasantly surprised by the charm of the city/ It’s a very social, accessible, and affordable city. Sadly I didn’t stay long enough to enjoy it more. Next time Guanajuato, and stay Beautiful and Calm.

Good view of the city center from a top a hill. To get there take Finicular Panoramico (costs $25 pesos each way).
Basilica Guanajuato, a 17th century church.
city center.
Teatro Juarez
Fountain at Plaza del Baratillo.
Callejon del Beso, or the Alley of the Kiss. Lovers go here to take a picture kissing.
Plaza San Fernando, Guanajuato, Mexico. A place to see artists, gor for a brunch or just watch life pass by.